Adkrete Concrete Services has been in business since 2004. We are a small business located in Powell Tennessee. President, Shawn Adkins has worked in the concrete industry since 1998, directly out of college. Adkrete was founded with a vision to provide specific standards in the construction industry. Those standards include quality, honesty, integrity and dependability. Adkrete strives to provide quality products to meet the highest standards at an affordable price. Adkrete strives to offer cutting edge techniques and products in the Decorative Concrete Industry, while working on proprietary products that will assist in improving the Decorative Concrete Industry.
Adkrete Concrete Services    PO Box 382  Powell, TN 37849 Phone:865.824.3097 Fax: 865.512.7950 Email:
About Us
Adkrete Concrete Services has been in business since 2004. We are a small business located in Powell Tennessee. President, Shawn Adkins has worked in the concrete industry since 1998, directly out of college. Adkrete was founded with a vision to provide specific standards in the construction industry. Those standards include quality, honesty, integrity and dependability. Adkrete strives to provide quality products to meet the highest standards at an affordable price. Adkrete strives to offer cutting edge techniques and products in the Decorative Concrete Industry, while working on proprietary products that will assist in improving the Decorative Concrete Industry.
Adkrete Concrete Services  PO Box 382  Powell, TN 37849 Phone:865.824.3097 Fax: 865.512.7950 Email:
About Us
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